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Mythbusting Sustainable Packaging

Written by AlphaPoly

Successful brands know that the days of poor quality, ineffective and cost prohibitive sustainable packaging are years behind us. However the fact remains there are still many preconceived ideas about the quality and effectiveness of sustainable packaging that is challenging for brands to overcome. These misconceptions can cause hesitation and slow a brands decision to switch to the inevitable future of environmentally friendly packaging

Sustainable packaging solutions are not only good for the planet but also for businesses’ bottom line. In a recent NYU study they found that sustainability-marketed products grew 5.6x faster than non-sustainable products. To add to this they found that in over 90% of individual product categories, sustainability-marketed products outpaced the growth of their categories.

So with consumers clearly preferring sustainably made products and businesses that listen reaping the rewards, what’s stopping some brands from making the switch to sustainable packaging? Let’s bust 5 common myths.

Myth #1: taste and nutrition

In the packaged foods industry, there was and still can be a long held misconception that sustainable packaging impacts the taste of food. Today sustainable packaging can be made from recyclable, compostable, renewable, or post consumer materials which meet FDA requirements for food contact. Add to this that sustainable packaging options can also be freezer safe and have different finishings like resealable openings and products stay fresher and retain taste the same as traditional packaging.

Some brands like Hellmann’s mayonnaise have even started to use sustainable packaging made from renewable materials in high volume single use products where any taste issue would be quickly found out. In the UK they saw success using seaweed to make 100% plastic free and biodegradable ketchup, BBQ, and tartar sauce packets delivered via takeout partner Just Eats.

Myth #2: shelf life

The last thing a food manufacturer needs to worry about is a product prematurely spoiling and having a lesser shelf life throughout its lifecycle as a result of packaging choices. The production costs could rise and the value to consumers could fall. With these risks in mind, it’s understandable that there can be apprehension related to shelf life concerns when evaluating switching to sustainable packaging.

However this is another misconception when for many of the same reasons why bioplastic technology has dispelled any myths that taste is impacted, shelf life is also typically on par with non-sustainable packaging. FDA and USDA certified materials mean that sustainable packaging options for food are safe and meet government standards for effectiveness.

In specific food industries like seafood, meat, poultry and frozen food shelf life plays a critical role as these products inherently have a shorter life than dry goods. Sustainable packaging for these industries comes with all the same options to help preserve shelf life that non-sustainable solutions offer. These include finishes such as resealable pouches, venting for more or less oxygen flow, and the option for adding in absorbent pads or drainage layers to keep water out.

Myth #3: branding

The myth that sustainable packaging impacts a brands ability to effectively market themselves on their product could not be further from the truth. Today sustainable packaging offers all of the same printing and finishing options that traditional materials offer with virtually no trade off. Sustainable packaging is offered in many of the same unique and effective display options that brands are used to. LDPE bags, stand up pouches, pinch bottom pouches, box or flat bottom pouches and rollstock give brands plenty of options to creatively use sustainable packaging for marketing purposes.

Beyond the materials themselves some of the biggest improvements have come in the package printing technology that can be used with sustainable materials. Today packaging partners can offer customers advanced flexographic printing solutions that ensure the color accuracy and consistency needed for their critical brand colors. For partners that are GMI certified brands have even more confidence that their important elements will be printed to their standards.

Myth #4: cost

Like any new product the early days of using sustainable packaging had the usual challenges of cost effectiveness as materials and processes were developed. However for years now there have been many cost effective options for sustainable packaging that are on par with traditional options. Add to this that we already know sustainably marketed products produce greater sales than those that can’t make sustainability claims and any increased cost that would exist is easily outweighed.

The nature of sustainable packaging solutions also often means less packaging and weight. For example with flexible sustainable options like stand up pouches that are lightweight, non-rigid means more product can be fit and packed meaning reduced shipping and environmental costs. Choosing an experienced packaging partner that can focus on cost mitigation with sustainable packaging can be helpful for brands who are starting to think about switching.

Myth #5: availability

The final myth to dispel on sustainable packaging is that it’s hard to source. As early as 2007, the Sustainable Packaging Coalition was reporting 73% of packaging manufacturers they surveyed were already incorporating sustainability into their product lines, and it’s surely only increased since.

Today recyclable, compostable, renewable, or post consumer materials are widely available and commonly used as sustainable packaging options. Add to this that sustainable materials research and development is more advanced than it’s ever been with such a global focus on environmental change. And investments from businesses and governments are driving innovation with new and better materials developed every year.

Your sustainable packaging partner

With sustainability being top of mind for consumers around the world as they live the experience of a declining environment, brands that are listening and adapting are seeing success. The old misconceptions for not switching to sustainable packaging are quickly turning into bad business strategies for a trend that is here to stay. Whether its taste, branding, shelf life, price or availability sustainable packaging today is far from what it used to be.

At AlphaPoly we offer our clients a reliable partnership for their packaging solutions that draws on more than 30 years of industry experience and knowledge. We pride ourselves on being nimble and responsive to our clients needs and we offer a wide variety of traditional and sustainable packaging options that are tailor made for our clients industries.

Find out how AlphaPoly can elevate your brand today,contact us to learn more.